
We communicate regularly to keep students engaged and informed about upcoming events, activities, and more.

Messages to All Students

All Class Messages

Messages to First-Year Students

All First-Year Messages

Newsletter Subscriptions

Women's Weekly

A weekly newsletter sent by the Women's Center highlighting events, programs, and academic opportunities.

Subscribe to Women's Weekly

ODES Weekly

A weekly newsletter sent by the Office of Diversity Education and Support featuring DACA support,  events, programs, and more.

Subscribe to ODES Weekly

QuWeekly Newsletter

Features updates from BGLTQ Student Life, as well as information about upcoming events and opportunities.

Subscribe to the QuWeekly

You're Invited 

You're Invited is a weekly events digest shared with all students. To be included in the digest, events planned by student organizations must be listed in SOCO.

Yard Bulletin

The Yard Bulletin is a weekly email update exclusively for first-year students! You should receive a copy every Monday morning. Please review the Yard Bulletin each week to stay on top of upcoming deadlines and to learn about relevant resources for the upcoming week.

All Yard Bulletin Issues

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