Residential Staff

Meet the staff members who will live with you in the dorms and form the core of your community


Resident Deans of First-Year Students (RDFs)

The RDFs oversee your academic, social, and extracurricular well-being.  They care deeply about your success at the College and are a pillar of support during your first-year. They live on campus and are always available for a meeting, lunch, or casual conversation.  

Meet the RDFs



Proctors are graduate students and administrators who live in the dorms with students and create an academic and social community for the 20 to 40 first-year students in their entryway. Proctors host weekly study breaks and will help with your adjustment to Harvard. You'll find they are an excellent source of information about academics, extracurriculars, social life, and College resources.

Meet the Proctors


Specialty Proctors

In addition to their regular duties in the entryways, specialty proctors are responsible for providing class-wide programming in one of the following areas: BGLTQ life, CARE (consent advocates and relationship educators), first-generation, interfaith, public service, and race relations.

View the Specialty Proctors


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