House and Yard Study Space Instructions and Terms

How to Reserve Space

  1. Log into FAS Roombook 
  2. Select the Spring 2021 Reservations template for your House or Year to see a list of available spaces
  3. Make your reservation for the time of your choosing (note the scheduling bullet point above)
  4. Under “Reservation Name,” list your full name
  5. You will receive an email confirming your reservation upon completing the form


  • Only students living in the buildings where the space is located have access to the space
  • If you live in a first-year dorm, you will be granted temporary access to the dorm with the room you select based on your reservation

Terms and Conditions for Using House and Yard Spaces

  • Follow any posted instructions regarding cleaning the area or facilities with the provided supplies. If you have questions, please contact the Building Manager and the House Administrator.
  • No eating or drinking is permitted in these spaces. Dining should continue to take place outdoors or in your suites. 
  • Wear a mask at all times. If needed, masks are available at Yard Ops or the Building Managers’ Office.
  • Sit only in your reserved spot.
  • Do not stay longer than your reserved time.
  • Maintain social distancing parameters at all times.
  • Abide by the posted capacity limits in each space. 
  • Complete your Crimson Clear certification before using the space.
  • Keep up with your testing cadence.
  • If you feel ill, do not use the space. 
  • Keep any HEPA filters on and running during your use of the room.

In addition, you are responsible for the following regulations: 

  1. The Residential Community Compact
  2. The College expectations around socializing 
  3. The Harvard College Handbook for Students

Note that any failure to follow these policies and expectations could potentially lead to a loss of access to the reservation system and a referral to the Community Council

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